Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thing #7- Cool Google Tools

I liked this "Thing" a lot. I explored all of the tools and even created a few items along the way. *For the last two years I have created a family calendar that I have printed and given to family members at Christmas for the following year, noting birthdays and anniversaries. I liked the Google Calendar application. I created a new version of this calendar, emailed it to an aunt for her to preview, and intend to forward to the rest of the family. I did not, however, create this as a public document.

*I set up a Google Alert for full moons. After 13 years in the classroom, I am a firm believer in the effects of full moons and barometric pressure changes on our little ones. I am curious how this Alert will work!

*Finally the last item I saved was a photo from the Dole Pineapple Farm in Oahu, Hawaii. This picture was found on Picasa Web Albums. The photo was uploaded by Carol.

This was a cool 'thing'!!

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